
Archive for June, 2010

I love my Google Reader. It’s the easiest way I know to keep track of my favorite blogs and to share interesting posts with Google Reader followers. Yes, you can create connections and follow people on here as well. I actually think sharing links here is even easier than sharing them on twitter.

If you use Google Reader, you probably have the feeds organized into specific categories to read them as quickly as possible. My reader is organized into four main categories (Clients, Social Media, Tourism and Personal) with folders dividing things even further.

If you’re just setting up your reader, here are a few pointers. (more…)

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When I need to get away from things, I usually end up on a short photography road trip. It’s the easiest way for me to escape from the normal routine and stress.  Some of my favorite spots are the Michigan lighthouses along Lake Michigan. Most of them are only a few hours away and make the perfect day trip.

My most recent trip was to St. Joseph, Michigan. The North Pier Light can be reached on the north side of the St. Joseph River but you can get equally amazing views of it from the south side of the river as well. (more…)

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Once you learn how to properly use social media, it’s time to get serious and treat it as part of your marketing plan. Create a strategy, utilize the appropriate social networks for your organization and analyze your efforts. Let’s focus on the analysis portion.

Goals: Why are you using social media?

“Because everyone does it” is no longer a valid reason to delve into the world of social media. Especially without a plan. Not having social media strategies and goals is the fastest way to fail. Sure, some people get lucky in their efforts but flying by the seat of your pants is not a strategy.

As with your traditional marketing, you need to set goals and then analyze your efforts to make sure you’re reaching these goals. (more…)

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A twitter retweet is when you post someone’s tweet to your followers. This is a great way to share information but it loses its value when overdone or done incorrectly.

Here are a few basic retweet rules: (more…)

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